Our fees

Acquiring the services of a buyers agent

can save time and can remove the emotion, stress and potential anxiety that comes with purchasing a property. Having independent representation sees the agent acting only for the one buyer and using their knowledge, skills and expertise the buyers agents is best placed to get the right property for the right price, potentially saving thousands of dollars and often even more.

Independent representation to secure a property can start with payment of the initial $1000 fee and the completion of some simple paperwork. This includes a profile which will outline the buyer’s specific requirements to commence the search. Once the buyers have selected the right property the final payment is made, of 1% of the property purchase price. 

We can also do part services….depending how much you would like to be involved in the process.

Site Finding and Acquistion $150 per hour

Auction Bidding $250 per auction

House Inspections, Video call and Report $250 per property